Don’t Let Bad Credit Become Your Personal Disaster

Jul 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

There’s only one way that people are freeing themselves from the shackles of bad credit and that is to create a new credit file on themselves within the credit bureau’s computer system.

That is the opening statement of one Credit Repair Book being sold on Ebay. The book tells you to make changes to your social security number, your name and address. It tells you how easy it is to get a NEW Drivers License and other back up documents, and how to use these documents to create a NEW Credit File. My first impression is havent these guys heard of Homeland Security and all of the anti terrorist laws? There are people out there who are looking for individuals who are creating just these types of false identities.

There is another theory that has made the rounds of the Internet for years that states that the only time you have to give anyone your Social Security number is when requested by an employer or the Government. That may be true, but when you REPRESENT to someone that you are giving your true and accurate information for the purposes of obtaining credit, AND you are in fact giving false and misleading information. That is FRAUD. You might not get caught, but if you do get caught the pain will not be worth the gain.


By now almost every adult in this country knows the positive and negative aspects of a Credit Score. As our economy moves away from Paper Payments, the condition on ones credit will become more and more important.

Already, Insurance is rated by the consumers credit rating. Mortgage, installment and revolving rates can vary by several points. The lower your score, the more it cost you for basic needs.

Poorer people usually have lower credit scores because they dont have any extra income to allow for emergencies and they are more inclined to miss payments.

Increasingly, Employers are running credit checks on prospective employees which means that a low credit score could cause you a better job. Ironically, that job could have given you the means to climb out of indebtedness.

As a consumer, you job is to get your credit score as high as possible and keep it there. That way you can bank your savings and prepare yourself for an emergency. This might take some Guerilla tactics and a little smoke and mirrors, but that is okay. By repairing your credit, you will have the pride of taking charge of your life. You will feel in control and have a great sense of accomplishment.

When you have your credit file all polished up, bright and shinny, you should look at it as your Masterpiece. Treat it as a remarkable and valuable asset that took a lot of sweat and time to get just right.

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